Mark Minarik
Channel Performance has partnered with Mark and his team from Midwest Karate in our Karate Stream.
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🔘Sensei Mark Minarik is a 6th degree black belt registered with the International Traditional Karate Federation, under Hidetaka Nishiyama. He is currently ranked as a Provincial Level A, National level A, and an International Level B official with the respective Traditional Karate governing bodies. As an athlete, our instructor has been involved in the art of Traditional Karate since 1978.Provincially he has held the title of kumite champion for 10 consecutive years, 1990 -1999, as well as kata champion for numerous years.Nationally, he has been kata and kumite champion for multiple years.Has been a National Team member from 1986 to 2004.Internationally, he has received gold medals in Pan American and silver medals in the World Championships.Provincial and National team coach.Selected as a World Cup Athlete.Provincial, National, and International seminar Instructor.Sensei Minarik is also a well established Registered Massage Therapist. This background gives him an innate understanding of the human body, how it works, how to create power and energy, and how to minimize the chance of injury through correct movement and proper core stabilization."